About LeanMail Software

LeanMail is a client-based add-in for Outlook 10 or higher and Office365 on Windows PCs.
(No Mac software) You must have admin rights to install it.

LeanMail seamlessly integrates with Outlook, effectively eliminating GDPR and cybersecurity complexities. Your data remains securely within your system. The add-in employs filters, automations, and organizes folders within Outlook, while only adding a few fields. Importantly, there's no memory footprint or connections to external servers, except for our license verification.

The add-in contains various modules that can be activated or deactivated by the end-user once it is installed.
All modules come with a 30-day trial.
Technical information
LeanMail Download
LeanMail Module Options
Pre-reqs, Compatibility and GDPR
Product Sheets
Installation instructions
LeanMail Version 5.2
Cheat Sheets

​LeanMail Technical Information

The LeanMail Add-in is a Microsoft Outlook Add-In created using Microsoft’s VSTO technology.  The Add-In consists of fully managed code, which gives it outstanding stability and reliability.

The installer for LeanMail uses the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) format for a safe and easy installation, that also lends itself well to deployment systems. The LeanMail Add-In is installed into Program Files directory by default.

The log file which is used for diagnostics and troubleshooting is placed in LeanMail directory, which is a subdirectory of Application Data directory of current user.

Unlike other 3rd party email applications like SaneBox*. 
The LeanMail Add-in does not store any data.

All data is stored on the client’s computer (in Outlook)
and the Exchange Server or in Office365.

*From the SaneBox webpage: When you sign up for SaneBox, we establish a secure connection with your email server so we can monitor incoming email.  LeanMail never does this.


We strongly recommend installing the latest updates for Windows and Office as well as the additional libraries listed below before installation to avoid any issues with the integration to Outlook.

  • Operating System
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 10
    • Windows 11
  • Microsoft Office
    • Microsoft Outlook 2013
    • Microsoft Outlook 2016
    • Microsoft Office365

  • Additional Libraries
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 (or higher)
    • Visual Studio for Office 2010 (VSTO) Runtimes: 10.0.40303
    • Microsoft Office 2010 Primary Interop Assemblies: 14.0.4763.1024


  • Compatible with Windows Terminal Server and Citrix
  • Compatible with all CRM’s


LeanMail software does not store any data. For that reason, GDPR compliance is not relevant with the exception of our License server which contains only basic user data such as name and email address, and which is GDPR compliant.

​Installation instructions for IT Administrators

The LeanMailAdd-In installer requires Administrative privileges. Once installed on a computer, however, it can be used by an unlimited number of users on the same computer (Administrative privileges are not required to associate LeanMail Add-In with a new user).


Centrally-managed deployment

The LeanMail Add-In installer fully supports centrally-managed deployment scenarios on both Windows Terminal Servers and Citrix


In order to install the Add-In silently, the following command line should be used:

Msiexec.exe /I “LeanMail 5.1.msi” /qn 


To uninstall the product using installation file that contains installed version, use the following command line:

 Msiexec.exe /x “LeanMail 5.1.msi” /qn 


The deployment to individual users can be controlled by their membership in an Active Directory group. If you wish to use this

functionality, create a new string registry entry:

LeanMailDomainGroupName under HKLM\Software\LeanMail


and fill it with the LDAP path of the Active Directory group, for example:

cn=LeanMail Users,OU=Groups,DC= LeanMail,DC=dk


If this key is present on the PC, the add-in will install normally,but it will be loaded only if current user is member of the Active

Directory group above.


Prerequisites need to be installed manually. 

Installo2010pia.msi and vstor40_x86.exe/ vstor40_x64.exe from setup folder before running setup.msi if they are not already present on the target machines.

Operational Resources Usage


While in operation, the LeanMail add-in uses approximately 40-50 MB of RAM.  It does not use any CPU except when the user carries out an action such asapplying a view (i.e. the action of filtering) or tagging an item (i.e. prioritizing).  In such cases, from 2-13% of CPU power is used- albeit only during the applications, which last a fraction of a second.

Testing was done using an Intel Core i5-4670 and an Intel Core i7-7660U, both on Windows 10 Operating systems.


Network activity

The LeanMail licensing system works by contacting a license server when the add-in is loaded when Outlook starts. This license check is performed over a normal encrypted HTTPS connection.

The only identifiable information transmitted to the license server is the email address of the Outlook user and – if the user chooses to modify the configuration – which LeanMail modules have been activated by the user.

​LeanMail Download

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The LeanMail Add-In installer requires Administrative privileges. Once installed on a computer, however, it can be used by an unlimited number of users on the same computer (Administrative privileges are not required to associate LeanMail Add-In with a new user).

The LeanMail Add-In installer requires Microsoft Outlook not to be running during the installation process (this is a requirement which originatesfrom the nature of the Microsoft Outlook Add-In technology).

​LeanMail Add-in Version 5.2 Description

The LeanMail add-in is designed for computers running Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016 (both 32- and 64-bit versions) and Office365 on Windows XP or later. 


The LeanMail Add-in bolts seamlessly onto the Microsoft Outlook client, converting it into a more useful business tool that eschews ad-hoc management in favor of a systematic Lean approach.

The LeanMail Add-in provides a number of functionalities that enable you to preview, prioritize, process, and plan your mail. 

Here is a quick rundown of some of the features of three modules that make up the LeanMail Suite: The InstantArchiving™ button, adds categories to your mails and then automatically archives them; Next action and When fields enable note-taking and plan deadlines for directly on the emails in your inbox; the Today View turns your inbox into a dynamic task list.

​LeanMail Module Options Menu

The installation contains discrete modules that can be activated by the user on demand or predetermined by the organization.Also included in the LeanMail Module Options are partner modules which are linked to affiliated partner sites or the Microsoft Store. Partner modules require separatepermissions to enable downloading.  Only LeanMail approved software is downloaded in our software package.

​Functions of the LeanMail Add-In

Individual Module Options

The LeanMail add-in is found in the top ribbon of Outlook.  Here you will gain access to Options.

When the software is initially loaded, the toolbar will appear like this until a module is selected

Alternatively, LeanMail can display pre-ordered modules remotely through the license server – which is most often the case.

Standard Outlook features that are configured to LeanMail’s specifications:

  • Addition of custom views that filter out and organize mails: 1 Prioritize, 2 Plan, Today, All
  • Addition of fields: Next Action, When, My Priority
  • Addition of a folder in the Mail box: LeanMail Archive
  • Addition of a folder in the Inbox: LeanMail Master Archive
  • Auto-categorization of email conversation threads
  • Enabling of in-cell editing
  • Shows items in groups
  • Shade group headings

Mail item features:

  • Add yourself to Bcc
  • Send with Category
  • Insert Calendar

Other features:

  • Auto-detection of Outlook version
  • Ability to choose installation language: English, French or Danish (other languages available on demand)
  • Warning for mails without Subject lines (in Options)
  • Warning for mails being archived without categories (in Options)
  • Do not require text in the Next Action column (in Options)
  • Require prioritization (in Options)
  • Ability to customize LeanMail Archive (in Options)
  • Ability to customize Sent Items (in Options)
  • Show new mails in Today view (in Options)
  • Available in three versions:
    • InstantArchiving ™ Button only
    • “Lite” version (archiving and prioritizing)
    • Full version
Cheat Sheet - InstantArchive
Cheat Sheet - Plan
Cheat Sheet - Prioritize
Cheat Sheet - Inbox480
Cheat Sheet - Shared INbox
Product Sheet - InstantArchive
Product Sheet - Plan
Product Sheet - Prioritize
Product Sheet - Inbox480
Product Sheet - Shared Inbox


What, in few words, is LeanMail and what problems does it solve?

LeanMail is a Microsoft Outlook Add-In designed to make working in Outlook more effective and efficient by bringing forward buried Outlook features, creating workflows, filters, automations and adding features that offer the user greater control over managing email. 

It is created using Microsoft’s VSTO technology.  The Add-In consists of fully managed code, which gives it outstanding stability and reliability. The installer for LeanMail uses the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) format for a safe and easy installation that also lends itself well to deployment systems.

The LeanMail Add-In is installed into Program Files directory by default.

The log file which is used for diagnostics and troubleshooting is placed in LeanMail directory, which is a subdirectory of Application Data directory of current user.

How do we ensure that we will not be exposed to any cyber-vulnerabilities due to installing LeanMail?

Our add-in resides in Outlook and has not outside connection to any servers or other software except for pinging our license server.

LeanMail uses industry-standard encryption (HTTPS) to communicate with its license server to validate the license used for each client. This connection is only used for license validation and has no provision for running code on the client; therefore, there is no possibility for a client to be compromised through LeanMail. Additionally, the only user information stored on the license server is the user contact information used for license validation and so there is no possibility of the leaking any information stored in Outlook.

On the other hand, we do send out updates on a semi-annual (more or less) basis.

Is the entire organization required to use LeanMail?

No, since LeanMail is client-based, you can have as few as one person using LeanMail, though our typical license agreement requires a minimun number of licenses depending on the size of the organization.

Why can't we just re-configure Outlook ourselves?

While some very basic features could be configured, without the extra coding, the incomplete result would be analogous to a half-built bridge, and therefore of insignificant value.  Also, LeanMail is as much a method as it is a software product. Following the method would not be possible without the various proprietary and hybrid tools being in place.

What happens if someone decides to remove the software?

The software is easily removed in the same fashion any other application is removed.  Since all data resides in Outlok, there is no possibility of losing or damaging data.  The user will simply have to change a view setting to return to their previous set-up.

To what extent will LeanMail interact and/or ‘control’ Outlook?

This is a basic add-in that will filter, automate functionality, will add folders and some workflows. So it does not change the landscape of outlook or anything to the backend.

Does the software communicate out to the Cloud?

It pings the leanmail license server. It does not send emails or any other information to a server.

User Rights

This runs as the local user - on the endpoint - so outside of that no one else would have access. The software also has a mobile version -
IOS app.

How will security updates be applied? How is the software / add-in updated? Do we need to check or are they sent?

LeanMail sends updates via a link to the user 2-4 times per year. A user will need admin rights to install new versions.  IT departments can also push out new versions if they wish.




This non-exclusive End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legally binding agreement between you ("PURCHASER") and LEANMAIL ApS for the LeanMail Add-in, herein referred to as "SOFTWARE PRODUCT". By using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, you are not authorized to install and/or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.


Grant of License
  • Installation and Use: You may use this SOFTWARE PRODUCT on servers. LEANMAIL ApS reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.
  • License: The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is only licensed to you on a year-to-year basis. You may not transfer the rights under this EULA. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be sold, sublicensed, leased, or lent unless explicitly agreed in writing by LEANMAIL ApS or an appointed representative.

Description of Other Rights and Limitations
  • Limitations on Reverse Engineering, De-compilation, and Disassembly: You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law.
  • Separation of Components: The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as single modules. Its component parts may not be separated.
  • Upgrading: Upgrades to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are included at no additional cost as part of owning a license.
  • Duration and Termination: This license is valid until terminated. LEANMAIL ApS may terminate this EULA for non-compliance, with formal notification sent via email. In such an event, you must return or delete all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT within ten (10) business days from the email notification.

  • Upgrades or new versions of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are included at no additional cost. Training in the new upgrades or versions is not included.

  • All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by LEANMAIL ApS or its suppliers.

Limited Warranty
  • LEANMAIL ApS’ entire liability and your exclusive remedy under the warranty shall be either (i) return of the license fee paid and received by LEANMAIL ApS for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or (ii) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Limitation of Liability
  • LEANMAIL ApS’ entire liability shall be limited to the amount actually paid for the software, not including annual license and support fees. Formal notification of termination will be made via email.
SOC2/3/ISO 27001 Certification

Regarding concerns over the absence of independent third-party certifications like SOC2/3 or ISO 27001.

 LeanMail is a small .msi file that doesn't store any user data, doesn't have memory, and only connects to our license server for activation purposes. Given its nature, LeanMail does not directly interact with any sensitive information or connect to external servers that could compromise data security. As a result, traditional certifications like SOC2/3 or ISO 27001, which are primarily designed for assessing the security of systems that handle sensitive data, are not directly applicable to LeanMail.

Data for legal archiving purposes

LeanMail does not have any data control or storage functionalities. It does not store, retain, or control any user data, including email content or attachments. LeanMail is designed to operate within the existing infrastructure of your chosen email service provider, and all data remains securely stored within their systems.

As a result, any legal archiving requirements or obligations related to your email content would be governed by your email service provider's policies and capabilities. LeanMail does not interfere with or impact your email service provider's archiving procedures. It simply provides additional features and functionality to help streamline your email management process.

To ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations, we recommend reviewing and understanding the archiving capabilities and policies offered by your email service provider. They typically have provisions in place to facilitate data retention and archiving for future litigation or other legal requirements.

We understand the importance of data control and legal compliance, and we want to assure you that LeanMail does not store or control any user data, including for legal archiving purposes. If you have specific concerns or requirements regarding data archiving, we recommend consulting with your email service provider directly to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of their archiving capabilities.

Fourth, access to Outlook by 3rd party, exponentially increases our exposure to data exfiltration by the 3rd party without any binding agreement.

Again, it is important to note that LeanMail does not have access to or interact with the content or data within Outlook. It operates as an additional layer of functionality that integrates seamlessly with Outlook, providing users with advanced features for email organization, prioritization, and efficiency.

To further emphasize this point, it is akin to putting a protective cover on an iPhone. The protective cover does not have access to the data or content on the phone; it is simply an external layer that enhances the phone's functionality and safeguards it from physical damage. Similarly, LeanMail acts as an extension of Outlook without accessing or compromising the underlying data.

We understand the criticality of data security and the need for assurance when selecting software solutions. We are proud to highlight that we have been serving Fortune 500 companies for nearly two decades, demonstrating our commitment to security and privacy. Our longstanding presence in the industry speaks to the trust placed in our software by large organizations with rigorous security requirements.

Furthermore, to maintain the highest level of security, we recommend ensuring that your Outlook and LeanMail installations are kept up to date with the latest security patches and updates. This helps ensure the overall security posture of your email ecosystem.

We value your security concerns and want to assure you that LeanMail does not introduce any additional risk of data exfiltration. It is designed to enhance productivity and provide a seamless experience within Outlook, without compromising the security of your data.

Information protection requirements

LeanMail is designed as a lightweight email management tool that does not store or change any user information. It primarily focuses on improving productivity and enhancing email workflows, without interacting with the content or data within the emails themselves. As a result, there is no need for LeanMail to include specific information protection requirements in its Terms of Service.

 While we reserve the right to update our Terms of Service to reflect any necessary changes, these updates are typically done to improve user experience, address legal requirements, or enhance the security of our services. However, we value our customers' feedback and are open to considering suggestions or concerns when making updates to our Terms of Service.

It's essential to emphasize that since LeanMail doesn't save or modify any user information, the software itself does not pose a risk to the security of your data. It acts as a tool that enhances your existing email client, offering features such as email prioritization, organization, and efficiency. Your email content remains securely stored within your email service provider's infrastructure, and LeanMail operates within the boundaries of your chosen email platform.

How to uninstall LeanMail?