LeanMail Exclusive Workshop - Project Owner Roadmap

This is an overview of the Workshop Roadmap. LeanMail will inform you when you need to cary out each step by email.

1. Workshop Preparation

 TaskDetails Timing
1.   Create Testimonial Video Watch: LeanMail Testimonial video guidelines and instructions,
then record a short video highlighting value and benefits of LeanMail for landing page.

2.  Decide Scope and Date for Workshop
Send list of invitees. (In an Excel sheet if more than 10 invitees).
Send us a 1-hour time-slot for the Workshop.

3. Send Introductory Email  to invitees
 Send email containing link to landing page.
(Template provided by LeanMail)

Aprox. 4 weeks before Workshop. (We will notify.)

4.  Forward Calendar Invite 
 Forward calendar invite with agenda to invitees. 
1 day after previous email.

2. Workshop

 Join Early for Setup Arrive 5 minutes before the event to test connections.  Workshop day
 Welcome & Introduction Welcome participants, introduce LeanMail, and set the context for the workshop.  
Support Main Workshop Offer relevant comments supporting the presentation.

3. Post-Workshop

Task  Details Timing
5.  Send Final Survey Reminder Send a final reminder email to encourage survey completion. Post-Workshop
6.  Join Post-Workshop Meeting  Review the post-workshop survey results and discuss feedback.