
​Ant Text

Take your emails to the next level

Professional one-click email templates

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Ant Text is a Microsoft Outlook add-in that makes you and your colleagues more efficient. With Ant Text you can write your emails easier and faster.

Ant Text is an email e-sales and communication tool for companies that want to be more efficient, dynamic, and reduce errors in company branding through their email communications.

With only a few clicks, you can write very long and comprehensive emails with professional design.

The idea behind Ant Text is that you build up your own draft folder structure and create your own email drafts. Use uniform elements for each email draft you create.

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  • Easy to set up and use
  • Create and customize professional email templates; top banners, pictures, links, logos, auto-signatures etc. 
  • Reduce work time 
  • Bulk email service
  • Create and send events and newsletters to target groups
  • Minimize chance of errors
  • Share templates 
  • Reuse drafts with own merge fields in daily email communication


  • Save time in the whole organization by sharing the same templates
  • Ensure quality and consistency in the email communication
  • Improve the company brand and customer service
  • Employees are less stressed by managing email
  • Custom features and prices for businesses with 20+ licenses
  • Free online demos and workshops
  • Email and marketing tips and tricks newsletters
  • Free video tutorials available
  • 24/7 support

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  • Errors due to writing identical emails over and over
  • Wasting valuable business time looking for needed files, attachments and old emails
  • Inconsistencies in your communication and branding, due to unstandardized formats and templates
  • Limitations of traditional email communication - Sending bulk emails (to multiple people at once) with one click, sharing the same templates to people within your organization etc.

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Merge Fields

Merge fields are input fields that can be put in the templates. There are 2 different merge fields - Fixed merge fields and custom merge fields.

Out of Office

The Ant Text Out of Office feature can be used when on vacation, business trip, free weekend etc.

Share Folder

Ability to share “Ant Text” templates with colleagues. This is used to ensure brand and communication consistency.

Ant XL

Ant XL is a tool included in Ant Text which is used to send news and/or event emails to multiple clients. This is also known as sending bulk emails or campaigns.

Modern Workplace

Ant Text email templates are stored directly in Microsoft Outlook and ready to use.

Pro Templates

Top banners with pictures, links, videos etc. Builds cohesion between the visual look and the company’s identity.

Email Management

Saves time by ensuring more efficient, dynamic, error-free email communication.

Outlook Drafts

Reuse Outlook drafts with own merge fields in daily email communication.

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The following forms of training for Ant Text are available:


  • Video tutorials
  • Educational support/guide pages


  • Online Demo presented by an Ant Text employee
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