Essential mails in your inbox. 
Non-essential mails in Inbox480.

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Inbox480 is for anyone using Microsoft Outlook who receives more emails than they can handle. It's a bit like MS Focus, but better.

Inbox480 is just that: an inbox-for-80 percent of your mails. The Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule states that 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes. The same rule can be applied to your inbox. About 20 percent of your mail is essential — that which drives your business — while the non-essential 80 percent constantly distracts us and prevents us from focusing on what is most important.

Inbox480 automatically separates mails from essential and non-essential senders in order to ensure that you spend your time wisely. Once Inbox480 is enabled, each sender will need permission to enter your inbox the first time they knock on your door. Those who are not given permission remain in Inbox480 until they are automatically deleted (if you choose) after a period of time (of your choosing). For instance, you could set the timer for six months so that non-essential mails that turn six months old are deleted automatically. The logic is that we should not spend time deleting emails that we didn’t request and are not vital. Every mail deleted by Inbox480 is tagged with a category “Deleted by Inbox480”.
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  • Extremely easy to use
  • Gives you a second inbox for the less important emails you don’t want to unsubscribe from
  • Separates essential for non-essential emails as they arrive
  • Cuts email volume by up to 80%
  • Unimportant mails cease to disrupt your day
  • Not reliant on faulty algorithms that can hide important emails
  • No need to delete pseudo-spam
  • Drastically reduces time spent on unimportant items and the secondary effects such as leading you to a video, which leads you to more videos, etc.
  • Separates e-Zines, blogs, newsletters, and other subscriptions from the rest of your emails


  • Employees are not sidetracked by non-core business or
    personal items
  • Employees not lured into marketing traps
  • Bolts seamlessly on to your existing
  • Outlook with no connection to external servers
  • Employees are less stressed by managing email
  • Can be pushed out centrally by IT
  • Installing one add-in gives users access to all bite-size LeanMail products on demand
  • Personal, Virtual, eLearning and free video tutorials available
  • 24/7 support

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  • Being buried under large volumes of email
  • Inability to trust algorithm tools such as Focus, which can hide important emails
  • No easy way to separate core business email from potential opportunities
  • Too many Cc: emails
  • No separate inbox for Newsletters and other Read only documents
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Notification of new senders

You are notified the first time an email comes from a new sender so that you can permit them entry, or not, to your inbox. You can always change the permission later.

Thumbs up button

Give senders permission to your inbox from that moment on.

Thumbs down button

Send email to the trash and marks the sender as Spam so they won’t bother you again.

Thumbs side-ways button

Moves email to the non-essential list, for good, if you regret having them in your inbox.


Automatically moves e-Zines, blogs, newsletters and other subscriptions to a separate folder.

Cc: folder Option

Automatically Moves Cc: mail to a separate Cc: mail folder.


Less important emails are automatically moved to Inbox480 without you needing to label them as unimportant.

Work by priority

Read bulk mail when you have the time and inclination instead of constantly weeding out junk and low importance mails.

Auto-deletion Option

Emails are automatically deleted after a period of your choosing.

No danger of missing important emails

Three stopgaps prevent you from ever missing an important mail.

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The following forms of training for LeanMail are available:


    • Video tutorials
    • eLearning tutorials and complete training


    • Virtual and live
    • Corporate complete training and coaching
    • Ad-hoc complete training and coaching


    • Virtual and live complete training and coaching
Training Investment
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