Executive Summary
(84% response rate)
(84% response rate)

Recommend the LeanMail method to their colleagues

Report the training is one of the best or very good

Report the trainer is one of the best or very good

Email with Leanmail is no longer drawn a drawn-out task, and for once I now have a grasp of my inbox. By using the lean techniques acquired only over a few short sessions I can now see the snow. An empty email inbox and the close of each day. It's nice to be able organize and prioritize emails and as a result I find my time is no longer consumed by emails.
- Applications Technical Lead
- Applications Technical Lead

Target KPI vs Achieved
Perceived increased overview and control

Average of all companies trained

LeanMail provides me with structure and prioritizes my email. It helps me focus on subjects that really matter and are urgent now. It keeps the unproductive noises away.
- HR Manager
- HR Manager

Target KPI vs Achieved
Percentage of people who prefer the LeanMail method of archiving

Average of all companies trained

The training provided a great level of detail in small, easy to digest chunks. I have really been able to focus on the important daily tasks without the background noise usually experienced with the normal email setup.
- Project Engineer
- Project Engineer

Target KPI vs Achieved
Perceived reduction of time spent managing email

Average of all companies trained

LeanMail keeps my mailbox empty and lets me focus on what is important each day.
- Technical Project Manager
- Technical Project Manager

Target KPI vs Achieved
Achieve Inbox Zero every week

Average of all companies trained

As an initial skeptic of LeanMail, I was very surprised at the benefits that the tools and methodology has given me and my team. The daily grind of an overflowing inbox was getting to the point where I could not action mails effectively and efficiently. This resulted in more mails being received chasing for responses and an endless spiral of load. Missed deadlines and poor communication was a regular occurrence. Since the training, I am now in a position where all my mails are dealt and actions completed on time. A sense of fulfilment that all the daily activity and communications are being managed in a timely manner.
- Director of Operations
- Director of Operations

Target KPI vs Achieved
Perceived reduction of stress

Average of all companies trained