Executive Summary
(84% response rate)
(84% response rate)

Recommend the LeanMail method to their colleagues

Report the training is one of the best or very good

Report the trainer is one of the best or very good

LeanMail helps me keep track of my inbox and makes sure that I don’t forget a deadline. Furthermore, searching for that old e-mail have never been easier.
- Tax Manager
- Tax Manager

Target KPI vs Achieved
Perceived increased overview and control

Average of all companies trained

Target KPI vs Achieved
Percentage of people who prefer the LeanMail method of archiving

Average of all companies trained

LeanMail helps me plan my time. It is really nice to have an empty inbox.
-State Authorized Public Accountant
-State Authorized Public Accountant

Target KPI vs Achieved
Perceived reduction of time spent managing email

Average of all companies trained

Target KPI vs Achieved
Achieve Inbox Zero every week

Average of all companies trained

It is easier to plan your workday with LeanMail.
- Senior Tax Consultant

Target KPI vs Achieved
Perceived reduction of stress

Average of all companies trained